My book: The photographers

It's less than a month until the publication of my first book (15th Oct) eek!! I received my advance copy a few weeks ago, which was a VERY exciting morning for me! To finally see all that hard work in print was a dream come true! And, if I do say so myself - IT LOOKS FAB! :) 

The reason for it looking so fab, is down to the wonderful designer, Rachel Cross, and the four lovely photographers who photographed the featured shops and homes all over the world. So I felt that it was only fitting for me to give a big shout out to these fantastic creative folk, and to give you guys an early sneak peek of what you will find in the book. In fact, what I thought I'd do is share some of the images that didn't make it into the book itself, as there were so many stunning photos, we couldn't fit them all in!! 

The photographers (in alphabetical order!) were Nick Carter, Janis Nicolay, Michael Sinclair and Simon Upton. All are expert photographers as well as being some of the nicest people I've had the opportunity to work with. Thank you guys, for being such an essential part of making my book a reality. 

I hope you enjoy these bonus images, and just think, if these are the ones that didn't make the book, imagine how great the ones that did are! I have another exciting piece of news to share on the 29th so stay tuned!

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Janis Nicolay/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Michael Sinclair/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Nick Carter/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

©Simon Upton/Jacqui Small Publishing

I hope you are loving the photography as much as I do! Make sure you pre-order your copy on Amazon or put the 15th October in your diary for a little bookshop trip! :) 

oh and here is the first bit of press published about the book, a feature in The Oregonian - Portland's largest newspaper, showing some pics from one of the Portland locations! :) 


My home on

I recently had a photographer from come over and take some pictures of our house.  I find it really interesting to see how different photographers work and how they capture the same space. These images are quite different from the ones taken for Apartment Therapy, but equally as lovely I think.  

The shots above show off our lovely dining table which I am still really pleased with and I think looks great with my vintage painted chairs. I definitely think I'll be looking to more when we move house. I was super impressed with their delivery service too - the guys were really careful and even built the table for me - massive bonus in my eyes! :) 

If you're a fan you can add your own snaps of your purchases onto their unboxed website and have a nosy at what other customers have uploaded. I really like how they've used a map to show where the homes are located in the country so I can have a nosy at homes in my area! haha! There are some really lovely interiors on there so do have a look! 

My home on Apartment Therapy!

Ever since we moved into our home nearly 6 years ago, I'd always dreamed of having it featured in a magazine or on an interiors blog (other than my own!) and though I was often asked to have it shot, I always declined as I wanted it to be 'finished'. Well, of course, your home is never completely finished, there is always something else to do, but as close to finished as it can be at any one time. The main thing was to renovate the kitchen, which we saved for since we bought the place, and finally got round to doing last year. 

So whenever I got an email from Cathy Pyle, a photographer, asking me if she could shoot my home for Apartment Therapy, I was thrilled and excited that I could finally say yes! Apartment Therapy was probably one of the first interiors blogs I'd come across when I first got into blogging.

Cathy visited one Saturday in May, and we had a lovely day chatting and shooting, she even managed to get some half decent shots of me! So now I'm super excited to share the link to the post on Apartment Therapy and below is a little sneak peek. You will also find a source list for where I got lots of our furniture, accessories, art work etc. 

I hope you enjoy having a nosy, and thanks to Cathy for the lovely photos and Apartment Therapy for the feature! 

View the full set of images on Apartment Therapy