As I mentioned in my recent 10 ideas for styling a small bathroom post, we have been redecorating our own bathroom, and now that it's all finished I thought I'd share a few snaps of it. It's really tricky getting decent photos in such a small room so this is the best I could do, but hopefully it gives a bit of an idea.
Of course I forgot to take any decent 'before' shots and only remembered after we'd started preparing the room for painting, but these images show the beige-brown wall colour and white woodwork which has been there since we moved in over five years ago. (excuse the filler!)
It wasn't actually that bad before, although it was definitely in need of a refresh, it was still liveable. But it was the installation of a new boiler that spurred us on, as we had the new cupboard in the corner built to house it, so this needed painting anyway.
We decided to brighten the walls in plain white and used Dulux Timeless (it looks quite beige on the website, but actually comes up quite white), which is actually the colour we've used in many of the other rooms in the house. But to add a little bit of interest we painted the woodwork in a lovely shade of grey. This is Dulux Modest Grey in matt finish. I hate gloss paint which I know a lot of people use on woodwork, but I'm really pleased with the finish the matt paint has given - it seems much more modern to me.

As I said in my bathroom inspiration post, I wanted to add a few simple details in the room to lift it. As it's such a small room, it only needed a select few nice items such as a delicious Anthropologie candle, and a lovely bottle of handwash which I found in TK Maxx. I've went for dried stems of eucalyptus and billy buttons in vintage bottles, and a flowering house plant for a little bit of greenery. (here's hoping I can keep this one alive!) The little bar of soap on the windowsill is from The Future Kept.

On the walls, I've hung some of my vintage plates that used to be in the hallway, a new mirror I bought from Rockett St George and in the reflection of the mirror you can see a framed print which was given to us by a friend.
And that was basically it! A lick of paint, and a few decorative touches and it feels like a totally new room! It might be small, but your bathroom should never be neglected! :)
A special thank you to Dulux for supplying the paint for this makeover.