New online shop - S2 20

It's been a little while since my last post, mainly as we had a little holiday in Spain for my sister in law's wedding which was really lovely, although holidaying with a one year old is very different from how I remember holidays being before!!

Since coming home I've been busy with bits and pieces of work as well as looking at properties. We are hoping to move in the near future so are trying to get out to viewings when we can, although it is shocking what you can get for your money in the South East! Not much basically!! But all this house hunting is making me think ahead to the task of decorating a new home, and I guess how my style has evolved since we bought our current home. I am definitely more influenced by Scandinavian and contemporary design rather than just being pure vintage these days. I do still absolutely love vintage, but I am swaying more towards a cleaner aesthetic with less clutter and more consideration to the objects I display. I'm not sure my hubby would agree I've mastered the less clutter thing just yet, but it is definitely something I'll apply more to a new house! 

Anyway, with my interest in Nordic design increasing, I was excited to see that fellow blogger and a regular 91 Magazine contributor Hege Morris has just opened up a beautiful online shop called S2 20. The name comes from the studio space Hege rents - Studio 220 - which reminded me a little of how I chose the name for 91 Magazine. (our house number!)

The S2 20 collection is focussed on small independent designers and handmade products, all inspired by the Nordic aesthetic. From ceramics and candle holders to art prints and indie magazines - all beautifully photographed as you can see here. 

I urge you to go and take a peek and make sure to follow them on Instagram too for lots of Scandi eye candy!