Munich trip: Day 2

So as I mentioned in the last post about Munich, our second day was spent partly at the beautiful homewares shop Room to Dream. Sabine, the owner was holding a bloggers styling event in association with Danish design company, By Lassen, and as we were in town, invited us along! It was especially exciting for me as Room to Dream is one of the shops I've featured in my book, The Shopkeepers Home, as well as Sabine's beautiful home. I didn't get to attend the shoot of this shop, so it was really great for me to see it in person, and meet Sabine, who is SUPER lovely! 

Below is the item we were given to style. It is the By Lassen Stropp - a twist on the traditional peg or hook, and great for hanging tea towels or holding magazines etc. It was really fun to see how different bloggers used it in their shots. You can see more on Instagram under the hashtag #bylassenstropp

Here is everyone enjoying the day, and lovely Tiffany of Curate and Display shooting her food inspired vignette. 

For mine, I decided to incorporate it into a kids inspired display. I love this Ferm Living mobile. and owl....

It was such a fun day, and if you are ever in Munich (which you should totally visit as its a great city!) then do pop by Room to Dream. And of course, look out for it in the book, Sabine's home is to die for too! x