91 Magazine relaunch

As I mentioned in my plans for 2016 post recently, there are lots of exciting things happening this year, and the first thing I can now officially share is the new look 91 Magazine website! woohoo! 

We have also created a brand new blog dedicated to all things 91, and will be posting on this a couple of times a week. Our first post is live and reveals the brand new team who I will be working alongside, all fabulously talented, creative people, who I am honoured to have as part of the team. So do pop over and find out who they are.

Also, I have just created a brand new Facebook page for 91 Magazine, so we need your likes! Please stop by, share and give us your FB support! And of course we are regular users of Instagram and Twitter too. 

We are ESPECIALLY excited about the plans to publish a print version of 91, which you will be able to pre-order soon! If you'd like to keep updated on this, as well as receiving some special content and offers we'd love you to sign up to our mailing list. (don't worry, we don't share your info with ANYONE!) 

That's it for now folks, I do hope you like what you see! xxx